The film starts with the 20th centaury Fox opening, but the logo has been customised for the film and is made to look like a computer crash, after the usual 20th centaury logo screen has finished the screen flashes and makes crackling noises, then the flood lights go out. Here the producers of Die hard have given the viewer a glimpse into whats going on and the viewer has only seen the logo up to this point, it also introduces the style of the film by giving the audience a 'clue' towards the content of the film.
The screen goes black then eary music starts playing, which builds up tension, the films starts with a long shot inside what looks to be an empty library, the camera pans right to left as it does "20th centaury Fox Presents" appears.
The camera stops panning when it comes to a young man on a computer, he has a jacket and t shirts on and is concentrating on his computer screen; this fills the viewer with curiosity as to what he is doing on his computer. Then it cuts to a screen full of information and data, the camera does a close up on one imperticular piece of information to draw the viewer’s attention to whets important so they don't miss it. it is a dialogue box which says "Unlocking Password/User Connection" this will be intriguing to many viewers as to what he is unlocking, then the screen brings up a lot more information, one part of this information is a map of north America, the screen goes back and rhythmically edited to on a drum beat "Bruce Willis" comes up.
His name then fades out and it cuts a different location where a woman is on a computer the camera pans right to left behind the computer showing lots of wires and the back of the computer and then, comes out at the side so you can see the woman on the computer, close up, she has an ear piece in, she is communicating with the person on the computer revealed at the beginning. There is a match on action with some dialogue. this establishes they are in contact with one another, it also makes the audience realise they are working together and are doing something.
The camera shows a close up of her computer a lot of information flashes up then the computer says "download complete" the information flashes away to reveal "Die Hard 4.0" then the match on action continues with more dialogue, again the screen flashes green and then to black to reveal "Justin long".
The camera fades in giving the film so far a lot of mystery to reveal another person seen thought some neon lights, a man sat at a computer. reavealin this character thgough the lights is a nice effect it also tells the audience to look at him in 'a favourable light'. there is a close up of him typing, and another close up of information on his computer screen. It fades to black and "timothy Olyphant" appears, during these titles there is a lot of buzzing wirring and clicking noises to represent computers,again like the logo revealing to the audience that the film will be computer based and making sure the audience understand the key point is whats going on it linked to the computers. A flash of information comes up and then back to black more titles appear and the music beings to speed up slightly in pace, there is a close up on the second mans computer and it says "algorithm... Access granted" this once again interest the viewer who are likely to be asking 'Access granted to what?' this builds up tention and fills the audience with intreeg it also works well by drawing their attention in and making them wonder whats going to happen next.
The second man sat at his computer is revealed in a medium long shot the camera is ever so slightly looking down on him showing him to be inferior, he is clean shaven, has fairly scraggy hair, is wearing a t-shirt and a jacket... this makes him look like a computer user however not like the cartoony stereotypical computer geek. the fact that he is clean shaven but with scraggy hair is contrasting, you would expext a clean shaven man to be interested in hygene as he shaves and someone with scraggy hair to be uninterested in hygene as they don't bother with their hair, this strange combination gives this character uniquness and individuallity making him a more believe able character.
The camera cuts to show the woman’s face and then her screen, which has a list of peoples names and at the side of them it says "delivered" except for next to one name "Matthew Farrell" it reveals the second man to be Matt. Next to his name the screen then flashes and says Delivered, just like the others. The woman thanks him. This tells the audience that some information has been sent between the 2 computers and that the second man is somehow getting some important data and giving it to the woman.
After the computer says delivered it zooms out to reveal the woman inside a larger computerised room behind her is another man on a computer. Another title flashes up and it cuts to Matt sat at his computer it slowly pans around him to reveal he has a lot of computer equipment as well. this shows he works with computers and that he is very keen and used to using them, this tells the audience he is some sort of computer programmer or hacker, certainly a computer expert. Here it is revealing both characters slowly giving them a personality, The Man then asks if what he is doing "is Legal" the woman reassures him it is. The audience will have realised at this point for Matt to be unsure of what he is sending it must be very important and potentially dangerous to other computer users, the woman tells him that it is just a test of their new software. At this point all of the viewer’s attention is drawn to what information he has sent and what he is doing. The pace of the music really starts to speed up giving the audience another clue something is going to happen, at this point and the woman says good bye to the man.
Then a lot more title appear on screen this is because the main introduction to the film is almost over. The camera goes close up on the list of people on the woman’s computer and it pans down the list showing each persons name and "delivered" next to their name. The woman sharply turns to the side and says "were ready" more titles flash up. this continues to fill the audience with intreeg, they may be asking 'ready for what' the audeince will have figured out by now that something is not right and that the information that Matt has sent is useful or dangerous but they will still want to know what exactly he has done and what the woman will use it for.
It then cuts to a computer game, a young boy is playing it, and then the first man runs into the room and tell the young boy he has just got a lot of money from doing a job. He sits at his computer and starts typing when... the computer crashes, the man looks puzzled, again he is revealed to be a computer programer or hacker, so for him to be puzzled it confirms to the audience something is seriously wrong. He try’s various different buttons on his key board, the camera looking level at him in a close up so the audience can see the confused expression on his face. After several attempts to mend his computer he tells the young guy next to him off for "messing with his computer" he then clicks a turn off button. The camera cuts to a box on the back of his computer and a red light flashed on. Then the camera cuts to a long shot of the house they are in, which blows up. Now the audience will wonder what information has he sent because he just got killed for it, and soon after a black van parked outside his house pulls away. the audience is also filled with sympathy for the character of the young boy playing on the computer it also adds more personality to the computer guy, who appears to have needed to money for him and his friend.
The music beat increases bringing more tention and the camera returns to the list of names now one by one they change from delivered to deactivate, the audience will realise one by one they are being killed. This is the first time the audience can see whets going on now the picture is more complete, that a large amount of people have given computer information to this woman. She and a team of people have then killed the people who sent the information; again this builds up suspense and fills the audience with interest as to what the information was. There is a wipe to reveal a large long room with a lot of people working on computers all along it most of them are more typical 'computer geeks' with glasses and shirts, one of those people is the woman revealed in the beginning.
It cuts to her and she continues typing only now on her screen it says FBI, there is an extreme long shot outside the FBI headquarters and a helicopter flies in front of the camera. The camera cuts to a large room filled with people and computers a foot note comes up in the corner saying 'cyber security division' when all of a sudden it cuts to the woman who types something in, and the whole room of FBI computers shuts down. the audeince should realise that the files from earlier are linked to this computer hack however it is slightly misleading adding more suspense and mystery to the film making it more enjoyable for viewers. The music beat and pace at this point increases again this shows the audience clearly that the woman and 'her team' are responsible for the crash in the computers. The people in this room all smartly dressed wearing suits-steriotypical office dress code, look around bewildered at the computers that are crashing. The camera pans round the room to show many confused people. The audience will be confused, until the camera cuts to a woman and 2 men walking briskly into a conference room on their way the woman explain that it is an intentional breach. Behind them are the American flag and an FBI plaque, helping identify where they are and making the set look affective and 'real'.
There are several people informing the main man, shown to be in authority because the camera looks up on him he is the most smartly dressed and all the people acknowledge him as 'sir' and speak to him this shows the audience is in authority. The main man and a few other are walking along a glass wall in the fore ground there is a lot of people panicking and rushing around but the focus is shallow and is pulled so that the audience can see whats going on in the fore ground but they are focusing on the main man and his advisors. The main man announces that he wants 'every hacker in the country who could have done this found' this helps to prove what i said earlier about Matt and the other man being hackers or computer programmers. Now the audience can see that the people in the beginning are hackers and that they are linked to hacking into the security of the nation. There is a loud drum beat and it cuts to black signifying an end to the panic for a moment.
The screen comes back on and the music has changed to a more faced paced happy music, this music is diegetic, because it is coming from a car so the characters can hear it, there us a log establishing shot of a park, with a fountain in it helping to paint a picutre of peace in contrast to th panic that was just shown. The camera cranes down to the car park next to the park where a man and a woman are snogging in the car. The camera cuts to close up of them snogging the woman in the car stops the man and says 'I said no' it cuts to another camera from someone’s view point from inside another car near them, it looks like a steak out. The camera cuts to the inside of the car and then out again into a pan from the back of the car round to the drivers side then the camera shows a close up on a hand reaching for the door handle, it cuts to the inside of the car as the door opens, match on action, a man says get out of the car. Burse Willis then drags the man out of the car. This film unique selling point is its part of a series so the audience will probably already know Burses Character- John. this is what the audeicne was waiting for- to see John the much loved hero of the previous films.
A three way argument begins between the woman, John and the other man. The woman turns out to be Lucy (John's daughter), the camera then cuts from one person to the next, shot reverse shot, it ends with Lucy walking off. Lucy here is wearing a tight dress with a denim jacket over the top and she is looked down on slightly by the camera she had a rebellious attitude. The other man is wearing I t-shirt with an unbuttoned shirt over the top. And John is wearing a t-shirt with a brown leather jacket, making him look 'tough'. this tought looks tells the audience he is a fighter this has previously been established in the previous films so it is more continuing to uphold this point rather than establish it.
The film carries on after John gets into his car and the other Man drives off. when John gets into his car, his radio/ walkie talkie shown by a close up starts ringing, here it established John as an undercover cop as the audience associate these types as radios with police, they are even known as police radios. The man who talks to him on the end of the radio asks him to do an assignment. The other man is shown in an office room on the phone to John, he is smartly dressed with a shirt and tie showing him to probably be the head of police if not definitely someone important as the camera looks up at him confirming his authority. On the other end of the phone the man asks John to pick up 'Matthew Farrell' the man who was previously shown on the first few minutes of the film. Now the audience see how John and Matthew Farrell are linked.
At this point a background dull toned music starts and it cuts to an extreme long shot of a city, the next shot is of some flats within the city, it then shows what Matthew is watching on his computer lots of data and a music video, he is in the middle of talking to someone online when the camera cuts to the street outside his house, eary music starts playing as the 'black van' from earlier pulls up, immediately the audience will realise it is the same van from the explosion earlier and they should realise that Matthew is about to be blown up.
It cuts to inside the van and there is a man on a laptop medium long shot, he is a subverted stereotype of a computer geek, he has a full beard and is wearing a military style jacket. The camera goes to a close up on his computer and shows him hacking into Matthews’s computer then he uploads a virus to it. Just after the virus is uploaded it cuts to Matthews’s computer and shows the same box on the side of it with the red light as the one where the other explosion was, just like before Matthews computer crashes and he starts to try and fix it. here suspense builds up in the audience as they feel he is about to be killed. After a while he can't do anything and a deep drum role starts to play over Matthews music... he is just about to press the delete button (which will cause his computer to blow up) when there is a nock at the door and Matthew jumps, this should have made the audience jump too as they would be expecting Matthew to push the button. it is a very effective techniqu, the film makers allow a build up in tension and then release it but then the build tension back it, it helps make the audience more suspenseful as they don't know which tension build up's are genuine and which are fakes. It cuts to the door being knocked on.
Matthew turns around and goes to answer the door a very tense music starts playing and Matthew pauses his music video. The man in the car shown by a close up and a pan say "plan B we do it our selves" in other words they are coming to kill Matthew. Here the it's the second time the tension builds up this time with a real danger after it. It cuts to a long shot and a man jumps out of the car with a large gun, it cuts to a high angle camera over the man (birds eye view) of him running into the building next to the one Matthew is in.
Very tense music takes over building up extreem tension in the audience who are expecting something to happen any moment.
Matthew answers the door to John and it shows a close up on all the locks, Matthew and John have a conversation (shot reverse shot) Matthew asks for Id and John shots him his Badge (close up) he then shows him his gun (close up) this makes it clear to the audience whats going on. Suddenly behind John a very stereotypical computer geek comes out and starts talking to Matthew... Matthew asks him to shut up and invited John into his house. Eary music with deep drum beat continues and it cuts to the man with the gun who begins to set up ready to shoot Matthew. Matthew goes back to his computer and starts to turn things off (not the computer with a bomb in it) the eary music picks up volume and editing starts to speed up- rythmic editing again a very useful technique when building up to a high tension moment it also adds excitemnent and slight confusion. The camera cuts to an eyeline match down the scope of the mans gun as he looks into Matthews window and prepares to take his shot. this is where members of the audience are tense, will he get Matt and John or won't he?
Matthew attempts to run out of his window (which leads to some stairs) but the window is locked (shown by close up), then the window breaks as the gun fires and bullects come through it and it hits several other ornaments and the light, the music begins to be really loud, special effects with the broken objects and sound effects of the gun adds to the realistic view on whats happening drawing the audience into the film and making it more enjoyable. John peers our of the broken window and gets shot at, John returns fire. It cuts to the other men in the black van and they have a puzzled look on their faces as they hear Johns gun the quickly grab other weapons and run out of the van (to attack John). John and Matthew sneak out of the room when the other men come running up the stairs. John looks at a fire extinguisher (eyeline match) close up on extinguisher. There is some stunt acting and explosions as John throws a fire extinguisher at the men and shoots it, it explodes and one of the men falls out of the window which breaks. Here there is a camra looking up and the audicne see the man fall out of the window and plumit to his death. John says 'thats going to wake the neighbours' adding humor to the film.
John and Matthew dive back into Matthews’s room avoiding the gunfire from the other men. The music becomes faster paced and intense, one of the other men tried of kick the door down so John pulls the fridge in the way whilst the other shoots randomly through the wall. John's gun gets nocked out of his hand as he tries to re'load it, he then is being shot at and has to lye down in front of the fridge to avoid being shot, this adds tension and fear that John minght die because he is unarmed and uppretected and therefoe vunerable
He ends up pushing his gun though the wall and john jumps kicking the gun out of his hand he then punches through the wall and kills the man, then other man starts shooting through the door John scrambles along the floor till he is safe next to Matthew.
The other man breaks down the door and rushes in shooting wildly as he does it. After a while he stops and walks in calmly there is a pause in the music John shoots him in the leg from behind a corner and the music starts the other man starts fairing back. the other man walks towards John whilst shooting at him, (however he is walking closer to the computer. john shoots back and hits an ornament near the computer (close up) the it shows the other man hiding (medium shot) the music becomes very loud and very tense as the other man get ready to shoot John (still hiding but now out of bullets)
when... the ornament John shot and knocked over rolls onto the key board (close up on bomb) and extreme close up on delete button, red light comes on and the room explodes, it cuts to the man outside who assuming john is dead packs up his gun. the camera cuts to John and Matthew who are covered in soot and ash after the explosion.
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